Budget Crisis Outline
Thesis: As budget cuts continue from California's deficit, unemployment increases by the percent leaving families with scarcity of funds and pushing them towards poverty.
California's current budget crisis
Affects on the citizens
a) The average california citizen
b) Citizens with large families
c) Affects on senior citizens
2. Affects on the politicians
a) Do they dismiss other opinions?
b) a few political views
3. Affects on the major cities
Unemployment rate
1. Current Results of Unemployment
a) Comparison between employment of present and past
b) What citizens who have lost their jobs are doing different to stay afloat
2. Which companies or organizations that have given the most lay offs
3. What they are doing different after the lay offs
a) how they choose which workers must be laid off
b) how their businesses are affected after the lay offs
Opinions of what is to come after the budget plan has been initiated
1. Citizens opinions
a) Do they have hope?
b) Have they looked to alternate resources
2. Corporate business decisions/opinions
a) Has business gone down?
b) will it rise again? If so, how?
1. If the budget is not stimulated, there could be more strikes and sit ins than expected.
a) Rebuilding America's economy will take the people's decisions and not just the politicians.
2. If the unemployment rate does not increase, california may never get out of this deficit.
Each point in your conclusion could be the topic of an entire essay -- these are the provocative and revelatory themes, especially this one: "1. If the budget is not stimulated, there could be more strikes and sit ins than expected." Re-cast it into a provocative statement rather than a conditional (if/then).