Q: How does Obama in this speech persuade people to believe in him and follow him?
President Obama's first point to persuade the American people to believe and follow him is by stating the dire situations the United States is facing at this exact moment. For example, having insufficient health care, and being in the worst economic state since the depression. As in the picture, the economy right now only seems to be helping the rich get richer, and poorer becoming even poorer. Having a nation coming together and providing a civilized and cooperative outlook are the only ways the United States can come out of this financial crisis.
Another point President Obama makes is that the government right now is just not working. If we continue to cope with these policies, we will be worse off in the long run. By ensuring that change is for the greater good it dignifies that without it, our nation as we know it will cease to exist. He talks about how he will form a government that will ensure the longevity of the united states, and how he will direct nation to a new perspective on a way of living.
By restoring the trust between the nation and the government that has been deteriorated over the previous years, only then can change be stimulated where all the people of the nation can live together in peace without having such a huge gap in classes. Another way President Obama provokes change through his speech is by including the nations around the world. Nations that are not so fortunate or do not have the means to make an impact with the world. Nations who are in dire need of help by their surrounding neighbors. He not only tells the American people, but the people of the world that change is coming, and they will lend a helping hand for those who are in most need.
President Obama's main point is to direct the speech to the people as an equal. He wants to justify that even though he is president, he is still one of us. Because by thinking he is greater will not only end in his turmoil, but the nation's as well. To submit change, he and his government must start it. The people will finally have a word and say in what goes on. Without the cooperation of all the parties, and people together, nothing can or will ever be accomplished.
By stating he is equal, he is enabling change not only for those in this time, but in the many futures to come.